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Vie di fuga – Osservatorio permanente sui rifugiati (Escape Routes – Permanent refugee observatory) was the natural follow-up of the book «La frontiera addosso» [The border on our back] (Laterza, Bari, 2010) published thanks to the collaboration between the Ufficio Pastorale Migranti (Pastoral Office for Migrants) and the Turin branch of Caritas. The text, edited by Luca Rastello, resulted from the involvement of a substantial number of collaborators who helped to expose and narrate the situation of political asylum­ seekers in Italy and Europe. However, the need to inform did not end with the publication of this book. Continuing to apply the methods and points of view of “La frontiera addosso“, the Osservatorio intends to do research, inform and collect data and opinions about the topic of political asylum – in language accessible to everybody, whether operators in the sector or not.

Since 2014 some members of the editorial staff have contributed to the writing of the «Rapporto sulla Protezione Internazionale in Italia» (which involved Migrantes Foundation, Italian Caritas and Cittalia as ANCI and SPRAR study foundation, in collaboration with UNHCR) and they continue to collaborate on the «Il diritto d’asilo» reports by Fondazione Migrantes.

The Vie di fuga Observatory, based in Turin, is a project created by the Turin Pastoral Office for Migrants and supported by the national Migrantes.

Editorial Staff

Giovanni Godio
Cristina Molfetta
Mirtha Sozzi

La vignetta

Minacce, vignetta di gianlo – Pubblicata su Buduàr n°96 del febbraio 2025.




Come il mare che ha attraversato, così la vita di Abdel è un susseguirsi di onde, una più inaspettata dell’altra, sempre sul punto di travolgerlo.

Copyright 2011-2025 VIE DI FUGA – Alcuni diritti riservati. Contenuti pubblicati sotto licenza Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0